Welcome to the world of Mr. Leen

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Welcome to the world of mr Leen, a schoolteacher of 64 years old. 

Mr Leen has been diagnosed with MS since year 2000 and since then his condition has slowly caused him to be more and more wheelchair-bound. His wife helps him with all transfers. Mr Leen stands twice a week in a Struzzo in therapy setting and is now keen on getting this aid at home. 

He has a whole list of things he would like to do once he is in the Struzzo. His wife exclaimed today "what a marvellous invention this is!"

I told (again) the beginning story of the making of Struzzo, to give credit where credit is due. People really love this story.

His wish-list?

Transferring from wheelchair to bed, to the showerchair, to the car, to the lazy-chair, to the toilet, to the scootmobile... 

He would like to take the Struzzo to visit his friends. Mr Leen wants to use it to empty the bladder in a more natural way (standing up) as to prevent urinary infections, and will need less toileting moments. He wants to shave standing up again in front of the mirror. And most of all, he wants to look people in the eye when he communicates with them. He is, a schoolteacher, after all!!

Until next
