Welcome to the world of Struzzo !

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What to do when you return home from the hospital or from a protected structure and must start a rehabilitation program to resume the standing position?

There are aids listed in order within the group of stabilizers, which are used for the rehabilitation of movement, strength and balance.

Patients should indeed stand for a whole host of advantages related to the functionality neuro-muscular, skeletal, cardiac, respiratory, digestive. . . but mostly  are the patients themselves who are willing to stand up, to get back to earn their upright posture!

The verticalization is a milestone and an integral part of rehabilitation in various pathological situations.

Assessment suitable for prescription of AT should be performed if possible between team doctor, physiotherapist and orthotist.

From a technical point of view the stabilizers are divided into two groups: stabilizers for static - which are marked by position reached, prone, standing, lying down - and the dynamic stabilizers, which is dedicated to this blog.

Since the so-called dynamic stabilizers allow the user to not only stand but also to move walking (manual version) or without walking but in a 'transported' way (electric version), we consider them both as walking aids but also aids locomotion in upright position.

The Chinesport Struzzo should therefore be included inside the family of dynamic stabilizers in electric version, which are more versatile stabilizers than manual ones as they allow to assume and maintain an upright posture.

The verticalization is fully assisted by an electric motor, powered by rechargeable batteries, with a control panel accessible by the user who, when lifting, can stop at any intermediate stage.

In case of subjects who are not able to control the trunk or which are not sufficiently careful, they need a special supervision or assistance from an operator.

The containment in safety can be ensured by a harness or, in the case of Struzzo, by lateral supports, which provide support during the exercise of the upright position.

But let's look at an example obtained from a real clinical case in which many end users might recognize their illnesses as well as problems of everyday life.

Woman aged 40, housewife with her ​​husband and two children who is suffering from a progressive neurological disease that causes loss of strength and stiffness of the lower limbs with great difficulty even take a few steps:

She uses a stabilizer for long static upright posture in order to counteract the rigidity of the lower limbs but complains because, stucked on the stabilizer, loses precious time on houseworks that can handle also while being on a wheelchair.

Consequently, the treatment times are reduced and the effectiveness of the same is always smaller.

It is therefore recommended the use of a stabilizer-walker - electric version and so she manages to reconcile long-term treatment and effectiveness, adding up to more time in the upright position the advantage of being able to perform motion exercises from sitting to standing and vice versa; also , being able to move she became able to perform multiple tasks and better care to his duties as a housewife.

In this case the ASL, as we will see in action dedicated, authorized the provision of AT with the practice of traceability and no cash payment by the user.